KEMET Holding

A technology investment group

Who We Are

We are the driving force behind a diverse portfolio of technology, software, mobile applications, and property management ventures.
Kemet Holding is not just a holding company; we're an engine of progress and transformation. We invest in and nurture diverse portfolios of technology, software, mobile applications, and property management ventures aimed at redefining experiences for customers worldwide.

At Kemet Holding,

As a holding company, our primary focus is on innovation, growth, and excellence across various industries. Our distinguished trademarks—Alphatel, Travelers, Rovers and ToDubai—embody our commitment to cutting-edge technology and unparalleled service. Through these brands, we redefine experiences, creating seamless solutions and unforgettable journeys for our customers worldwide.

Moreover, our influence extends through our ownership in Staywell Ventures, a pioneering investment entity. Staywell Ventures stands as a testament to our dedication to fostering innovation, supporting emerging ventures, and shaping the future of multiple sectors.

Our Mission

to drive progress through technological advancements, exceptional service, and strategic investments. We continuously seek new opportunities, partnerships, and avenues for growth to remain at the forefront of industry evolution.

Join us on this transformative journey as we push boundaries, pioneer change, and leave an indelible mark on the world.